pgEdge Cloud Release Notes
03/26/2025 - Improvements to the Cloud User Experience
This update adds:
Cross-Database Restore (opens in a new tab). You can now restore a database from a backup performed on a different database. When selecting the backup to restore, you can now select from a list of available databases, and then choose a backup from that database’s available backups for restoration.
It is important to note that the databases must reside in clusters that are attached to a common backup store for backups to be available for cross-database restore.
Support for Cloudwatch for private DNS health checks on AWS. Cloudwatch metrics can now be leveraged for private DNS health checks, in the same manner as public DNS. This allows latency based routing to route to the next node in line in case of node failure or maintenance.
- The cluster must be private (this feature was already available for public clusters).
- The database must have Cloudwatch metrics enabled.
See Connection Best Practices (opens in a new tab) in the pgEdge documentation for more information.
01/31/2025 - Manage Your Profile
This update adds the Profile tab (opens in a new tab) to the Settings
dialog (opens in a new tab), allowing you to modify your profile information. You can access the tab by clicking your user icon in the top-right of the pgEdge Cloud UI, or by navigating through the Settings
option on the navigation pane to the Profile tab.
01/29/2025 - Database Operational Improvements
This update:
- Introduces a new database metric (opens in a new tab) called pg_maintenance which reports whether a database is in maintenance mode.
- Fixes an issue where database metrics (opens in a new tab) might not be delivered after restarts or restore operations.
- Fixes an issue where replication sets might not be properly re-established after a restore.
- Fixes an issue where leftover pg_replication_origin values would persist after a restore.
- Fixes an edge case where restoring a backup with previously removed nodes would cause leftover subscriptions to occur between nodes.
- Improves display of database and cluster metrics (opens in a new tab) in the pgEdge Cloud UI with better labels and size conversions.
12/27/2024 - Database Operational Improvements
This update fixes a rare case where certain updates involving NULL values or TOASTed values may not be properly replicated.
12/09/2024 - Database Display Name
This update adds a new feature to the User interface, allowing you to provide an optional Display Name (opens in a new tab) for a database within the pgEdge Cloud UI. If you have more than one database with the same name, a Display Name can help you easily identify each database in the navigation tree control.
12/02/2024 - PostgreSQL 17 availability
This update adds PostgreSQL 17 as an optional database version for deployment on a cluster.
The update also introduces new database metrics for pg_spock_exception_log_rate and pg_spock_resolutions_rate , allowing you to monitor the rate of exception log entries or resolutions on each node.
11/20/2024 - Edit Firewall Rules
This update allows you to modify your existing cluster firewall rules (opens in a new tab) from the pgEdge Cloud UI.
09/30/2024 - pgEdge Cloud General Availability
pgEdge Cloud Enterprise Edition has reached General Availability. Visit here (opens in a new tab) to review the press release!