Connecting with pgAdmin

To use the pgAdmin client to manage your database and the objects that reside on it, right-click on the Servers node in the pgAdmin client, and select Register, then Server from the context menu.

Accessing pgAdmin

The Register - Server dialog opens:

The pgAdmin Register - Server dialog

When prompted, provide authentication details on the pgAdmin Connection tab. To find connection information for your database, highlight the database name in the navigation panel, and review the Connect to your database pane shown on the Database dialog:

  • Provide the name shown in the Domain field that ends with in the Host name/address field.

  • Provide the name of your database in the Maintenance database field.

  • Replace the default Username with admin when connecting for the first time.

  • Enter the password associated with the user in the Password field.

The pgAdmin Parameters tab

Provide the following information on the Parameters tab:

  • Use the drop-down to the right of SSL mode to select require. All client connections to pgEdge Developer Edition are required to use SSL.

  • Use the + at the top of the parameter table to open a new row, and use the drop-down list in the Name field to select GSS encmode. Set the Value to disable

Complete the other tabs in the Register - Server dialog specifying your connection preferences, and select Save. The connection to your database is added to the Servers node in the Object Explorer pane, and the pgAdmin Dashboard displays current database activities.

pgAdmin Connected