Using PostgreSQL Extensions

Extended PostgreSQL Functionality

The following PostgreSQL extensions are installed in your PostgreSQL database on pgEdge Cloud:

pgvector (opens in a new tab)Provides vector similarity search capabilities.
PostGIS (opens in a new tab)Provides support for storing, indexing, and querying geospatial and geometric data.

Before using an extension, you must create the extension (opens in a new tab) in each database in which it will be used. Invoke the following command on the psql command line:

CREATE EXTENSION extension_name;

For example, to create the pgvector extension, use the command:


For detailed information about using each extension, visit the project's site links provided in the table above.

To review a list of the installed extensions, you can use the psql command line client to display the shared_preload_libraries parameter setting. To review a list of installed extensions, use the command:

SHOW shared_preload_libraries;

accts=# show shared_preload_libraries; shared_preload_libraries
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pg_stat_statements, pg_readonly, pg_failover_slots, spock, vector, postgis-3 (1 row)

Installed extensions are listed in the query result set.