Creating a New Database

To create a new database, select the Databases node in the navigation tree control; then, select the + New Database icon located in the upper-right corner of the page.

Creating a Database

When the Create New Database dialog opens:

  • Provide a name for the database in the Database Name field.

  • Select the cluster you would like to host your new database from the options shown under Select a Cluster.

    • If you are a pgEdge Enterprise Edition user, the dialog displays your clusters and their deployment regions. Check the box in a cluster pane to deploy on that cluster.

    • If you are a pgEdge Developer Edition user, you can choose from three cluster configurations for testing and experimentation:

      • US - Europe offers an East Coast/West Coast US configuration with one server in Frankfurt.
      • US offers an East Coast/Midwest/West Coast configuration.
      • Global offers servers on the West Coast, in Frankfurt, and Singapore.

The Options section displays optional features you can enable when your database is provisioned:

When you've made your selections, click Create Database to initialize a PostgreSQL database and start replicating data between the nodes in the cluster. Your new database is added to the list of databases in the left pane of the console; a green dot to the left of the name indicates that the database is available for connections.

Initializing a Cluster