Prerequisites: Before you Create a Cluster
Adding an SSH Key

Managing SSH Keys

import { Callout } from 'nextra/components'

SSH key management is available only on pgEdge Cloud Enterprise Edition.

pgEdge supports SSH authentication (opens in a new tab) for connections to provisioned clusters. When you configure a cluster in the pgEdge console, you have the option of specifying a previously imported SSH public key. To authenticate with your cluster with SSH, you must provide the private key that corresponds to the public key specified during cluster deployment.

SSH Keys dialog

The SSH Keys dialog displays the SSH public keys that have been imported to your pgEdge Cloud account.

Importing an SSH Key

To import an SSH Key, select the SSH Keys node in the navigation pane; when the SSH Keys dialog opens, select the Import SSH Key button.

Importing an SSH Key

Provide information about your key:

  • Provide a user-friendly name for the key in the SSH Key Name field.
  • Provide the public half of your key pair ( in the SSH Public Key field.

If you do not have an SSH key pair, you can use the Linux ssh-keygen (opens in a new tab) program to generate a key. Be sure that you store the private half of your key in a safe place, away from the public key.

Deleting an SSH Key

To delete a previously uploaded key, open the context menu in the key pane, and select Delete Key. A popup opens, asking you to confirm that you wish to delete the key; enter the key name in the field on the popup, and press Delete SSH Key to remove the key.