Prerequisites: Before you Create a Cluster
Linking an Azure Account

Linking an Azure Account

pgEdge Cloud uses an App Registration to provision clusters in a specific Resource Group within your Azure subscription. An App Registration and an associated Client Secret can be created in the Azure console under Microsoft Entra ID --> App Registrations.

You can use a new or existing Resource Group. The following roles must be assigned to the App Registration on the Resource Group prior to creating a cluster:

  • Contributor
  • Key Vault Administrator
  • Key Vault Data Access Administrator

To assign a role, navigate to: Resource Groups --> <Resource Group Name> --> IAM --> Add role assignment.

The following resource providers must be registered on the Azure Subscription to enable API access.

  • Microsoft.Compute
  • Microsoft.Network
  • Microsoft.ManagedIdentity
  • Microsoft.KeyVault

To register a resource provider, navigate to: All services --> Subscriptions --> <Subscription Name> -> Resource Providers.

Depending on pgEdge Node locations and Azure Instance Type selection, you may need to request Quota Increases under All services --> Quotas --> Compute to ensure that virtual machines can be successfully created in each location. In addition, you must accept the image terms for the virtual machine image used by pgEdge via the Azure CLI:

az vm image terms accept --urn erockyenterprisesoftwarefoundationinc1653071250513:rockylinux-9:rockylinux-9:9.1.20230215

To link an Azure account with your pgEdge Cloud account, select the Cloud Accounts heading in the left navigation pane and then the + Link Cloud Account button.

Link Cloud Account popup

On the Link Cloud Account dialog, select the Azure icon to expand the dialog.

Link Cloud Account popup

Use the fields in the dialog to create a link to your Azure account:

  • Provide a user-friendly name in the Account Name field.
  • Provide an account description in the Account Description field.
  • Provide your Client ID in the Azure Client ID field.
  • Provide your Client Secret in the Azure Client Secret field.
  • Provide your Subscription ID in the Azure Subscription ID field. To find your subscription ID in the Azure console, go to All services --> Subscriptions --> Subscription ID.
  • Provide your Tenant ID in the Azure Tenant ID field. To find your tenant ID in the Azure console, go to Microsoft Entra ID --> Properties --> Directory ID.
  • Provide your Resource Group in the Azure Resource Group field.

After providing connection information, select Link Account to create a link to your Azure account.