
SYNOPSIS ./pgedge setup

DESCRIPTION Install pgEdge node (including postgres, spock, and snowflake-sequences)

Example: ./pgedge setup -U user -P passwd -d test --pg_ver 16

FLAGS -U, --User=USER The database user that will own the db (required)

-P, --Passwd=PASSWD
    The password for the newly created db user (required)

-d, --dbName=DBNAME
    The database name (required)

    Defaults to 5432 if not specified

    Defaults to latest prod version of pg, such as 16.  May be pinned to a specific pg version such as 16.1

-s, --spock_ver=SPOCK_VER
    Defaults to latest prod version of spock, such as 3.2.  May be pinned to a specific spock version such as 3.2.4

-a, --autostart=AUTOSTART
    Defaults to False