Managing a Cluster

You can use the pgEdge Cloud console to review cluster information; highlight the name of a cluster in the Clusters menu to access the console for that cluster.

The cluster console header

The console header displays information about the selected cluster:

  • the console name
  • the length of time since console creation
  • the name of the cloud provider
  • the number of regions that host nodes
  • the instance type and size of each node

Also in the cluster header, a set of informational panes tell you the state of the cluster at a glance:

  • the total node count
  • the number of healthy nodes
  • the number of unhealthy nodes
  • the number of unresponsive nodes

The Actions Menu

Use options accessed via the Actions drop-down menu in the upper-right corner of the dialog to manage your cluster.

Cluster Overview

Select from the options listed to:

The Cluster Overview Tabs

Cluster Overview

Tabs below the cluster header provide quick access to information about the state of your cluster:

  • Select the Overview tab to view information about the cluster, and the databases currently deployed on the cluster. Detailed information about the cluster's nodes is displayed below. Click on an icon in the Database pane to navigate to detailed information about the selected database.
  • Select the Metrics tab to view details about cluster resource use.
  • Select the Logs tab to review the log files for the cluster.

The Nodes tabbed panel displays node and connection details for each node in the cluster. To view information for a specific cluster node, select the tab labeled with the cluster name.

The cluster console Nodes tab

The Nodes pane contains general node information:

  • Use the External IP Address when making ssh connections to the node.
  • Use the Internal IP Address when configuring VPN connections to the node.
  • The Instance Type and Volume Size fields provide node size information.
  • The Instance ID identifies the node and associated resources in the cloud provider console.
  • The UUID is a unique identifier for cluster resources outside of the cloud provider console.

Next to the Nodes browser, a map displays the locations of the cluster's nodes. Hover over a mapped node to display the name and city in which the node resides.

The cluster console Map tab

pgEdge Resources

Use the links in the lower-left corner of the pgEdge Cloud console to access pgEdge resources:

  • For an invitation to the pgEdge Discord server, select the Community link.
  • To review the documentation, select the Docs link.
  • To manage account details, select the Settings link.
  • Select the Team Management link to manage account membership.