Team Resources

Team Resources

In the lower-left corner of the pgEdge Cloud console navigation pane is a link to the Team Management page; you can use the Team Management page to view a list of team members, invite members to your team, and manage pending or expired invitations.

The Team Management page

  • The Members table lists the current members of your team; use the context menu in the Action column to delete a member from the team.
  • The Pending Invitations table lists invitations that have not been accepted. Unaccepted invitations expire in six days; select Delete from the context menu in the Action column to delete an invitation.

To invite a team member to join your team, select the Add Team Member icon in the upper-right corner of the Team dialog.

A Team Invite

Enter an email address in the Invite Team Member field and select the Invite button to send an email to the address, inviting the recipient to join your team.

When you invite a user to join your team, they are taken to the pgEdge welcome window where they are prompted to provide a password. After providing a password, the new team member is taken to the main console page for your team, where all assets managed by the specified team are displayed. The Pending Invitation is removed, and the new member is listed in the Members table.