Prerequisites: Before you Create a Cluster
Linking an AWS Account

Linking an AWS Account

To link an AWS Cloud account with your pgEdge Cloud account, select the Cloud Accounts heading in the left navigation pane and then the + Link Cloud Account button. The Link Cloud Account popup opens:

Link Cloud Account dialog

On the Link Cloud Account popup, select the AWS icon to expand the dialog.

Link Cloud Account dialog

If you have an AWS IAM Role you wish to use, you can use the fields in the top portion of the dialog to create the link:

  • Provide a user-friendly name in the Account Name field.
  • Provide an account description in the Account Description field.
  • Provide your AWS IAM role identifier in the AWS IAM Role field.

When you're finished, press the Link Account button to link the account and add it to the Cloud Accounts page.

Creating an AWS IAM Role for use with pgEdge Cloud

pgEdge Cloud console provides an AWS CloudFormation Template to simplify creation of an IAM role.

The template settings create a role that allows pgEdge to securely provision resources in your Cloud account. pgEdge uses IAM cross-account trust policies to assume the role in your account. This is the AWS recommended approach.

Before using the pgEdge wizard to create an IAM role, open a browser tab and log in to your AWS account. Then, return to the pgEdge console window and select the Open the Create Stack Wizard button. When the AWS Quick create stack window opens, the template is displayed, complete with the details you need to create an IAM role for replication management.

AWS CloudFormation stack template

The URL of the pgEdge AWS CloudFormation Template is:

Provide a name for the stack

CloudFormation prompts you to provide a name for the stack in the Stack name field; you can accept the default and scroll down.

CloudFormation stack parameters

The CloudFormation Stack Parameters are completed as required, allowing pgEdge Cloud to securely provision resources with your AWS account.

CloudFormation stack permissions

No changes are required in the CloudFormation Stack Permissions section.

CloudFormation stack capabilities

Review the message in the Capabilities section, and check the box next to I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names. Then, select Create stack.

AWS CloudFormation Stacks page

AWS CloudFormation navigates to a page listing the stack creations that are in progress; when your stack completes, select the Resources tab in the right pane.

CloudFormation stack permissions

Select the link in the Physical ID column to open a details page in the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service console. The ARN is displayed in the page Summary.


Copy the role ARN, and return to the pgEdge console. Add the role ARN to the AWS IAM Role field, specify a name for the account in the Account Name field, and a description of the account in the Account Description field. Select the Link Account button to finish linking your account to the pgEdge console.

With a linked account in place, you're ready to create a pgEdge Enterprise Edition cluster.

Creating an AWS Key Pair

To create a new AWS key pair:

  1. Sign in to the AWS management console.
  2. Navigate to the EC2 service.
  3. Select Key Pairs from the Network & Security menu.
  4. Select the Create key pair button located in the upper-right corner of the Key Pairs window to specify the key pair details.

AWS console creating a key pair

On the AWS Create key pair window, provide a name for the key pair in the Name field; the other fields can be left to their defaults. Select Create key pair to create the key pair and return to the main Key pairs window.

You can now use the AWS key pair when defining a cluster that is provisioned in the AWS cloud.

Enabling a Region in the AWS Console

While you can access all regions in the pgEdge console, not all regions may be enabled for use in your AWS account. To enable a region, log in to the AWS management console. Use the arrow to the right of your user name (in the upper-right corner) to access the account information menu.

AWS User settings

Select the Account menu option to navigate to the Account information page; scroll down to the AWS Regions table.

AWS regions table

To enable a region for use with pgEdge Cloud, check the box to the left of the region name, and select the Enable button. A popup will open, asking you to confirm that you wish to enable the region(s); select the Enable regions button to continue. Use the refresh button in the upper-right corner to update table to check the Status column.