Prerequisites: Before you Create a Cluster
Creating a Backup Store

Defining a Backup Store

Backup stores are available only on pgEdge Cloud Enterprise Edition.

Use options accessed via the Backup Stores link in the navigation pane to define storage on your cloud provider. Then, when you deploy a cluster, you can select a backup store to attach to the Cloud cluster for use when backing up cluster nodes or log files.

Backup Stores dialog

The Cloud provider account that is used for your backup store must be the same account used when deploying the cluster. When you create the backup store, two storage buckets are deployed in the store; one bucket is used for backups, and one is used to backup cluster log files.

To reduce network latency, you should backup each node to a backup store located in the same region. You can optionally create a backup store in another region, but archiving will take longer if the store is geographically distanced.

Each backup store can be used for multiple pgEdge nodes and/or databases.

Creating a Backup Store

The Backup Stores dialog displays the backup storage defined on your Cloud provider; select the Create Backup Store icon (located in the upper-right corner of the dialog) to provide details and define a backup store.

Create a Backup Store

To define a backup store, start by selecting the Storage Provider on which you wish to create a backup store. Then, when the dialog expands:

  1. Provide a user-friendly Name to identify the backup store.
  2. Select the Cloud Account that will be used to provision the store.
  3. Select a Region in which the backup store will be created.

When you've specified your preferences, click the Create Backup Store icon to create the store.

Using a Backup Store

After you define a backup store, the new store will be added to the Backup Stores dialog; select the Show more details icon to expand the information dialog to view details about the store:

Backup stores expanded description

Backup store details include:

  • the provider identity, backup store name, and creation date.
  • the volume identifier (the ID).
  • the Cloud Account ID.
  • the Region in which the backup store resides.
  • the Bucket Name.
  • the Bucket ARN.
  • the Log Bucket Name; the log bucket stores the access logs to the bucket.
  • the Log Bucket ARN.

Note that the security policy associated with the ARN uses the least permissions required to create and use backup stores. You can use your provider's console to modify the security policy if needed.

When defining a cluster, you can select the backup store you wish to use for cluster backups in the Backup Stores field. Select a defined store from the drop-down list or toggle the Show map option to enabled to select from defined stores on the map image.

Selecting a Backup store

To change the backup store used for your cluster, select the Update Backup Stores option from the Actions drop-down menu.

Changing a Backup store

Select a different store from the drop-down list or toggle the Show map option to enabled to select from defined stores on the map image. To remove a backup store from use, select the X on the right edge of a backup store name, or de-select the backup store on the map.