Using Spock from psql
Node Mgmt

Node Management

Use commands listed in this section to manage the nodes in your replication cluster.

spock.node_create (opens in a new tab)Create a spock node.
spock.node_drop (opens in a new tab)Drop a spock node.
spock.node_add_interface (opens in a new tab)Add an additional interface to a node.
spock.node_drop_interface (opens in a new tab)Remove an existing interface from a node.

Example: Creating a Node

To create a node with Spock, connect to the server with psql and use the spock.node_create command:

SELECT spock.node_create(node_name, dsn, location, country, info)

  • A name for the node.
  • The dsn of the server on which the node resides.
  • Connection information for your database.

Note: The DSN is similar to a connection string to the node you’re creating. For example, the DSN to connect to the acctg database with an ip address of, using credentials that belong to carol would be: host= user=carol dbname=acctg.

The location, country, and info are all optional inputs to label nodes and have a default of null.

For example, the following command:

SELECT spock.node_create(n1, host= user=carol dbname=accounting)

Creates a node named n1 that connects to the accounting database on, authenticating with the credentials of a user named carol.

Example: Dropping a Node

To drop a node with Spock, connect to the server with psql, and use the spock.node_drop command:

SELECT spock.node_drop(node_name, ifexists)

  • The name of the node.
  • ifexists is a boolean value that suppresses an error if the node does not exist when set to true .

For example, the following command:

SELECT spock.node_drop(n1, true)

Creates a node named n1 that connects to the accounting database on, authenticating with the credentials of a user named carol.

Node Management Functions

You can add and remove nodes dynamically with the following SQL functions.


spock.node_create(node_name name, dsn text)

Creates a replication node.


  • node_name is the name of the new node; only one node is allowed per database.
  • dsn is the connection string to the node. For nodes that are supposed to be providers, this should be reachable from the subscription nodes.


spock.node_drop(node_name name, ifexists bool)

Drops a replication node.


  • node_name is the name of an existing node.
  • ifexists specifies the Spock extension behavior with regards to error messages. If true, an error is not thrown when the specified node does not exist. The default is false.


spock.node_add_interface(node_name name, interface_name name, dsn text)

Adds an additional interface to a node.

When a node is created, the interface for it is also created using the dsn specified in the create_node command, and with the same name as the node. This interface allows adding alternative interfaces with different connection strings to an existing node.


node_name is the name of an existing node. interface_name is the name of a new interface to be added. dsn is the connection string to the node used for the new interface.


spock.node_drop_interface(node_name name, interface_name name)

Removes an existing interface from a node.


  • node_name is the name of an existing node.
  • interface_name is the name of an existing interface.